We have gathered the detailed information you need on the List of Approved NUC courses offered in Adamawa State University (ADSU), but before that let briefly take you to some important history of the institution as its stands.
Adamawa State University, Mubi was established in January 2002 by the Adamawa State University law No. 10 of 2001. The University is located in Mubi town, in the Northern Senatorial District of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Mubi is geographically located within latitude 10.27 and longitude 13.28 and has an elevation of 1906 feet above sea level situated at the foot of the Mandara Mountains separating Nigeria from the Republic of Cameroun. It is characterised by a pleasant weather and beautiful scenic horizons. The town is the sect of the Emirate of Mubi with a First Class Emir.
Adamawa State University, Mubi is the first State Government owned University in the North East sub-region of Nigeria. Since establishment, the University has graduated a total of four sets of students, 67 in 2005/2006 session, 200 in 2006/2007 session, 309 in 2007/2008 session and 353 in 2008/2009 session totalling 929 graduates. At present, the University has a total of 4, 600 undergraduate students and 384 pursuing Postgraduate Diplomas and higher degrees. The total number of academic staff of the University is 229 supported by 52 visiting and 7 part-time lecturers. These are complimented by 166 senior non-academic staff and 281 junior staff of different cadres.
The list of Approved Courses Offered in Adamawa State University is made possible with the help of Admin.
Adamawa State University, Mubi was established in January 2002 by the Adamawa State University law No. 10 of 2001. The University is located in Mubi town, in the Northern Senatorial District of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Mubi is geographically located within latitude 10.27 and longitude 13.28 and has an elevation of 1906 feet above sea level situated at the foot of the Mandara Mountains separating Nigeria from the Republic of Cameroun. It is characterised by a pleasant weather and beautiful scenic horizons. The town is the sect of the Emirate of Mubi with a First Class Emir.
Adamawa State University, Mubi is the first State Government owned University in the North East sub-region of Nigeria. Since establishment, the University has graduated a total of four sets of students, 67 in 2005/2006 session, 200 in 2006/2007 session, 309 in 2007/2008 session and 353 in 2008/2009 session totalling 929 graduates. At present, the University has a total of 4, 600 undergraduate students and 384 pursuing Postgraduate Diplomas and higher degrees. The total number of academic staff of the University is 229 supported by 52 visiting and 7 part-time lecturers. These are complimented by 166 senior non-academic staff and 281 junior staff of different cadres.
Here are the Comprehensive List of Courses Offered in Adamawa State University, Mubi.
Faculty of Agriculture
- Agricultural Economics and Extension
- Animal Production
- Crop Sciences
- Fisheries and Aquaculture
Faculty of Arts, Social Science and Management Sciences
- Accounting
- Business Administration
- Economics
- Political Science
- Public Administration
Faculty of Science and Science Education
- Botany
- Zoology
- Chemistry
- Pure and Applied Physics
- Geography
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Science Education
The list of Approved Courses Offered in Adamawa State University is made possible with the help of Admin.
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