Passcode unlock for iPhone 4 iOS 7.0 / 7.0.4 / 7.1 / 7.1.2

This tutorial will support some owner of iphone 4 when forgot PassCode

or can't remember Passcode and for Education

This tools only support with the iPhone 4 (IPHONE3,1) revision is supported 

Gecko iPhone Toolkit

How to read iPhone 4 Passcode with Gecko iPhone Toolkit

1.Extract downloaded Gecko iPhone Toolskit to this folder DriverC:\A same below pic.

2. Copy iPhone 4 firmware from downloaded to folder in C :\ A ( same directory folder )

3. Turn your iPhone 4 to DFU Mode follow this video or same below picture.

4. Launch "Gecko iPhone Toolkit.exe , in C :\ A folder and Select iPhone 4 (GSM) and press BOOT button 

Then press OK button again

6. Go to C:\A and select iPhone.ipsw file and then click Open

7. When Gecko Toolkit running. Donble Click to start RUN.bat 

and waiting until redsn0w working to finish job. It will tell you that it is DONE ! 

8.iPhone 4 screen will reboot to Big white screen , Now close redsnOw programe

9 .Back to Gecko Toolkits and click Lanch button

For read PassCode from your device take about 1 to 40 minits 

Good Luck to Have Done


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