How To Get Saved SHSH Blobs From Cydia

Many of you’re asking me that how to get, restore and backup saved SHSH blobs though Cydia. So that I’ve created this tutorial that will help you to get answer of all such queries.

Many of you might know aware but SHSH blobs is very important and Cydia automatically saves them on their servers on jailbreak iPhone. SHSH blob file is nothing but the security hash file that allows your iDevice to install different version of iOs like 6, 7. You’ll require it whenever you want to upgrade or downgrade your iOs 8 to iOS 7.1.2

How to check what SHSH blobs does Cydia saved ?

For checking this you just need to launch the Cydia
 App on your iDevice and tap the Top of the screen after opening app. You’ll see ones saved for your device looks like “SHSH iOS 4.1, 4.2.1r1, 4.3~b3, 4.3.5, 5.0.1″
How To Download Saved SHSH Blobs From Cydia :-

After confirmation you need to download and install Tiny Umbrella to download SHSH blobs. You can do same thing via redsn0w as well. TinyUmbrella helps you to find available SHSH blobs for your device and it requests SHSH signatures for firmware restore and plays back that signature to allow iTunes to continue the restore.
After downloading Tiny Umbrella, open that and click on OK dialog on requesting SHSH from Cydia
Now connect your iPhone and highlight that under connected devices.
Click on Save SHSH button to get list of saved SHSH blobs for you.
In order to locate the path where your are saved you need to tab on “Advanced” button and tick “Request SHSH from Cydia” and Create New Folder to access them easily.

So, After getting saved SHSH Blobs though Cydia you can use them to upgrade/downgrade to any iOS you want. Using this you’ll able to stitch your saved SHSH for your required iOS into appropriate


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